The Fall of an Empire
The Fall of an Empire
By Nick Ulanowski
It should be a bigger deal that Biden ended the war on Afghanistan
I don’t say it because I stan, I mean, I’ve hardly been a fan
I was for Bernie all the way and I still remember Tara Reide
But Americans feed on war and this hunger grows just like a seed
A full withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and they said it was a disaster
Fox News and Republicans said it was too soon, I thought it couldn’t have been faster
This is a war Obama and Trump both promised that they’d end
It was started by Bush and Chaney for their oil company fiends
A 20-year long war had finally ended but a seed had already been planted
By both parties in our government and their co-conspirators in the media
With lobbyists openly bragging about buying off the politicians leading ya
ExxonMobil executive Rex Tillerson was appointed by Trump as the Secretary of State
Giving orders to the entire military and then telling us what countries we should hate
My God, if you still don’t see it, how much longer can we wait?
Did you ever think we could fall like the Romans?
You ever think we would fall like the Romans?
I never thought we could fall like the Romans
Until now
Am I so naïve to believe this is just about the Land of the Free?
Or this late-stage capitalism we’re starting to all see?
Maybe the economic system dominating the globe is like the Berlin Wall
Ready to be torn down by the workers worldwide fed up with it all
As the rents sour in price, many millennials can’t afford to buy a home
And then towns only allow renters to stay in a designated zone
Elon Musk said he could provide affordable housing by selling dirt to poor people
He said this on Twitter while his lackeys called his critics “sheeple”
Others still live with their white, middle-class parents in their thirties and forties
Too embarrassed to talk about it, instead bragging on their Facebook stories
They were told if they just worked hard, they’d be handed the keys to the world
Instead, they feel bitter and beaten down as their insides twirl and swirl
Those who used to do well under this system are starting to feel the brunt of it
Without the opportunity to sell out and become invested in the bunch of it
Did you ever think capitalism could fall like the Soviets?
Ever think capitalism would fall like the Soviets?
I never thought global capitalism could fall like the Soviets
Until now