Parasites, Hollow Words and the Democratic National Convention

Nick Ulanowski
6 min readMay 14, 2020


“The Democratic Party doesn’t care about sexual misconduct allegations. And they don’t even care about defeating Trump as much as they care about maintaining the status quo.”

“Calls for unity will sound emptier than Charlie Brown’s empty mailbox looked. And it will depress us just the same.”

After the first four states voted in the presidential primary election, Senator Bernie Sanders was the front runner for the Democratic Party. Sanders won the most delegates in Nevada, Iowa and New Hampshire while Joe Biden received the most delegates in South Carolina. After these results came in, one by one, every single Democratic presidential candidate began to drop out and endorse Biden. This included Andrew Yang who is an author, a tech CEO and entrepreneur with no political experience who was perceived to be an “anti-establishment” candidate. This included congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard who stepped down from her high-ranking DNC position in 2016 to support Bernie Sanders’ campaign for president. Elizabeth Warren was the one and only Sanders opponent who did not drop out and endorse Biden. She dropped out like the rest, but she endorsed no one.

For many American leftists, all of these candidates dropping out and endorsing Biden at the same time appeared to be cold and calculated. It looked like the Democrats were uniting together to defeat Sanders. It’s unbelievable that not even one of them endorsed Sanders. This was despite his incredible popularity and despite reasons to think he would be favorable to some of them over Biden policy-wise. Suddenly, after this happened, Biden started to win more states. Biden swept numerous states on Super Tuesday and Sanders was no longer the front runner. This seemingly collaborative effort happened right after MSNBC displayed graphs, comparing how the votes for the centrist candidates Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Biden and Bloomberg measured up against the left-wing candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, implying that the public favored a centrist candidate regardless of who was the front runner. It was almost as all if this was a conspired effort by billionaire-run liberal media and billionaire-backed Democratic candidates to do everything in their power to beat Sanders, someone with an average campaign donation of less than $20.

In my book Diesel Doctrine and The Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires, the narrator stated, “As an employee at the bottom of the food chain, I do more to keep things running than management, who are just a bunch of parasites.” The context to this quote was being employed to clean toilets at a truck stop, providing customer service to truck drivers and working for a large corporation. However, the same reasoning applies to power dynamics in the political establishment. Just as a company only exists because of its workers, the Democratic Party only exists because of the millions of Americans who vote for them. However, many of us feel they’re only answering to a small group of large donors.

For many opinion writers at corporate media outlets such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, Biden was the “electable” candidate and the safer choice. However, they made similar statements about Hillary Clinton in 2016. And she lost to Donald Trump. The same was also said about the loser in the 2004 election — John Kerry, a man who was staunchly against same-sex marriage, was regularly name-called as a “flip flopper” and to many voters, stood for absolutely nothing except disliking George W Bush. It’s been said that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” However, when some of the most powerful members of our society make the same mistakes very repeatedly, it begins to look like they don’t actually care enough to change the result.

Time and time again, centrist Democrats lose in the general election. Barrack Obama may have been a centrist president in a lot of ways. However, he won the 2008 election and became the first black president by promising “hope and change”. He campaigned on universal healthcare. His slogan was “Yes, We Can” not “Now is Not The Time”. Does the Democratic establishment genuinely care enough to win in 2020? Or would they rather Trump won than a socialist?

Now, Tara Reade has come forward with allegations of sexual assault by Biden. And this has been corroborated by a phone call Reade’s mother made to Larry King in 1993, saying her daughter was sexually abused by a prominent senator. In response to this, #DropOutBiden was trending on Twitter. However, the Democratic establishment has been mostly silent. My prediction is that the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee will nominate Biden to be the President of the United States. They will continue to ignore any opposition that the left has to him. They will do this because they don’t care. They don’t care about sexual misconduct allegations. And they don’t even care about defeating Trump as much as they care about maintaining the status quo.

I predict that there will be massive protests at the Democratic convention in Milwaukee. These protests will be from a coalition of working-class Americans of all stripes. They will lean younger, but they will be protesters of many different ethnic backgrounds. They will be protesters from across the ideological spectrum, calling themselves everything from “anarcho-communists” to claims of being “mostly apolitical,” but angry at the system. The corporate media and the Democratic establishment will call them “Bernie bros” — just as Biden called protesters protesting him on March 10th, 2020. Just as those DNC protesters were accused of “being ridiculous” at the 2016 convention, they will be blamed for Biden’s electoral loss in 2020. The corporate media and the Democratic establishment won’t accept that Biden isn’t an exciting enough candidate. The Democratic Party won’t make any efforts to court non-voters. Instead they will blame those who protested the DNC or voted third party.

There is a chance that Biden won’t be the nominee. After all, Senator Al Franken was forced to step down after sexual misconduct allegations came out about him. However, if Biden is forced to step down, I don’t expect the DNC to nominate Sanders, despite his being in second place in the primaries. They’ll appoint Governor Andrew Cuomo or maybe even another centrist Democrat who isn’t in the limelight right now. However, for reasons previously stated, I highly doubt the DNC will respect the will of the people and nominate Sanders.

The Democratic convention in Milwaukee will most likely have speeches in favor of Democratic unity. These words will ring hollow to all of those who are passionate about Medicare for all, a Green New Deal or college loan debt forgiveness. These calls for so-called “unity” will ring hollow to those involved in grassroots, left-wing movements such as Black Lives Matter or the Democratic Socialists of America. They will ring hollow to those who trusted that Sanders was finally going to be a president who would answer to us instead of lobbyists, the Democratic establishment and wealthy campaign backers. Calls for unity will sound emptier than Charlie Brown’s empty mailbox looked. And it will depress us just the same. Many of us won’t be motivated to vote, and I predict that Trump will win again

The Republican National Convention will most likely be filled with grassroots conservative activists who are proud of President Trump and are looking forward to voting for him again. However, millions of Americans on the left-wing side of the aisle will feel silenced and unheard. And I predict that the Democratic Party will make no effort whatsoever to change this. In other words, they want our vote, but they do nothing for it. What a shame. What a travesty. What a bunch of parasites.



Nick Ulanowski
Nick Ulanowski

Written by Nick Ulanowski

I drink coffee and write about what’s on my mind.

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