“Dating App,” “Red Flag” and “Jewel”
I’ve written some new poems expressing my frustration with being 30-something years old and perpetually single.
If you like this, you should check out my poetry books “American Bug” and “As the Moonlight Shines” on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and my Etsy shop. Although for some reason, Barnes & Noble no longer carries the paperbacks (only the eBooks.) And be aware that these three short poems are pretty different than the content of those books.
Dating App
By Nick Ulanowski
The longer I spend swiping left and right, the sicker I feel
I’m not attracted to you
Or maybe I am — but then you’re not to me
This is hopeless
This isn’t even a poem
So fucking pointless
Red Flag
By Nick Ulanowski
I’m sorry I didn’t know what to say when you were giggling or flirting
I’m sorry for all the times I didn’t want to come off too strong
Or when I didn’t notice someone found me attractive until the next day
Or for never making a move on someone who was only a friend
For all the times there was no time to react
For all the times I said the wrong shit
I’m sorry for being a walking red flag
I’m sorry I’m oblivious, I’m sorry I’m hopeless
I’m fucking sorry, okay?
I’m sorry, I’m sorry
By Nick Ulanowski
I wanted to impress you
I almost impressed you
I failed to impress you
Maybe if I write the right poem
Or release the right book
Or break the right story
Or impress the right person
Maybe you’ll see me
Maybe you’ll notice me
I wanted you to like me
You never did like me
You never will like me