Black Lives still Matter
It’s always the same old excuses whenever the cops take the life of another black, brown, or poor American.
“The cops killed him because he was reaching for their gun! It’s totally justified.”
Okay. But the gun was firmly in the cop’s hands at the time that he pumped the guy with dozens of bullets. I think the cop was fine and not actually in danger.
“Actually, he had a gun! So, the cops were justified to kill him.”
Okay. But gun ownership isn’t illegal. If that’s the reasoning, it sure is weird that the NRA isn’t all over this one. But I guess they’re too busy defending gun manufacturers’ right to sell military-grade weapons to the public.
“Well, he was no angel. Did you hear about this crime he committed?”
It sounds like he did his time for the crime. So, what does this have to do with the here and now? Can cops just kill someone for a crime they committed? Why even have a court system if the police will just play Judge Dredd, jury and executioner, anyway?
We’ve heard it all before. And we’ll hear it again. But we can’t stop fighting — not now, not ever.
Black lives still Matter.